I went and bought a blank CD this afternoon, met up with Tim and Noah and we burnt the renders and 2D drawings to disk! Submitted and complete! I am happy with my own contributions, and I feel that our teamwork was overall pretty effective and balanced. I think the fact that we got started straight away was really beneficial, but there was some times in the early stages were we could have been more decisive.  But overall, pretty happy!
Tim and I were in the studio together by circumstance working on other uni stuff, so took the opportunity to start producing at least a few renders. I found some good backdrop and supplementary imagery, while Tim arranged the model in Artlantis. We managed to create at least 2 or 3 Artlantis renders in with the building in an Australian bushland, national park vibe setting. 
After we presented our project progress to Ning today, his biggest feedback idea was for us to make the website more clearly organised.  So far the website had only been organised into a home page and then individual pages. So this afternoon I restructured the website into a home page, communication page, process page, presentation page and then links to our personal reflection pages

I logged on to the BIM again today after Daniel was thinking of making some more changes, and was looking for everyones opinions and ideas. We talked about a pool and i suggested more deck space, especially more covered outdoor area, sheltered from summer sun and overhead rain. I played around a little bit with some landscaping while Daniel and Noah worked on the pool and decks.
Whipped up a little logo today, composed an inspired blurb too. Enjoying this side of things.

Individuals have customised their profiles, after all 5 members being given full editing rights. Dingo Love members have been blogging every other day, things seem to be running smoothly after a few hiccups trying to edit html code.
Wordpress, tumbler....... Dingo Love settles on Weebly, as a compromise that achieves both a clean sharp presentation and strong functioning capacity as a website. The 5 individual contributors now have their own blog pages hosted on the Dingo Love home page.