Matthew and I finished the Model today. We are both happy with the overall product of our labors, which was achieved through a good communication process, and BIM features such as messaging and reserve function.

Finished all parts of the model, and handed over to be rendered. 
Ended up being a few days behind schedule, but having a well resolved model will spare time in the render process. 
Planting and landscaping of the model turned out to be quite a mission, the default library contains limited to no vegetation to plant around the site. This part of the project is quite important as it reflects reiterate our theme of natural connection with the site and context. Tried to find alternate options on the line for vegetation, but only found 2D options, which i decided to keep.
I layered two of the same images to achieve a somewhat 3D.

Borrowed my friends laptop and installed archicad 16, this saved me from having to go into the lab and allowed me to work on the BIM Project at more flexible hours.
The slower processor made work on the 3D model slightly harder as it couldn't handle the graphics.

Computer troubles yet again, laptop not successfully connecting to project on BIM server, restricting access to the project. This set back pushes the project schedule further backwards, quite frustrating as other assignments will become priority in the later weeks.





Headed into the Lab today to use computers, worked on tweaking decided changes on the model, came to a bit of block in the progression of the model wasn’t sure were to take it and couldn’t picture the final product. Met up with a Noah and Jakeb, they helped guide me through hopeful outcome of final model, which put me back on track.
Spent some time working on roof profiles and using roof wizard for trusses. 
These were extended over the large spaces, that were formed after moving the modules.
I also spent time working on re-establishing the flooring foundation to suit new deck position.

My first day working on the model, I spent breaking down the model, taking out objects and surfaces that would not be needed for the continuation of the project. Spent some time working on extending the decks and separating the modules up. This was achieved easily through dragging nodes and copy and pasting the structure. 

First attempt at accessing BIM Server on personal computer, Client proxy wouldn’t connect to server, I was unsure of the solution, so spent a while figuring out that it was related to the hotfix, found the download link for the hotfix 4 on the Graphisoft website.
As a group we decided on myself as the modeler for the group. We picked my initial project as the project to work on, as I was quite familiar with the project i felt comfortable in the editing procedure. Coming into this project I also had an idea/image in my head of where i wanted it to go, i feel like this will help the group achieve what we set out to do.
I've been paired up with Matty in the modelling process, I sort of feel that because I have an image of the future project that collaboration between us will be hard, without myself taking over the project. 

    Daniel Rivers

    I'm the chief Modeler, my jobs to coordinator the model ready for rendering.


    October 2013

