The group was very successful in all their allocated areas. The effectiveness of the communication protocols proved very efficient and well working. I feel my contribution as the project architect has been valued by the group, particularly the way it has involved and informed all members continually and equally. Also the way in which I could filter my help and contributions to the group in every way and at every stage in the process became very valuable - Initiating the project through the vision and presentation theme, designing the model changes, working on BIM and the website through to helping finishing the presentation images. The group functioned and from that, I think, a well executed assignment was achieved. I also think communications between, the meetings and informing were so crucial to this as well and feel my ability and readiness for the task which I had was fair. 

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    Noah Stutchbury

    Project Architect - Organisation of roles and Design Modifications to Theme. Communication and progress co-ordinator.